Self Pride or High Standards


Never apologize for having high standards, people who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet them.

Ziad K. Abdelnour

I came across this quote today, while searching for sayings that deal with self worth. I know that some may consider having higher standards to be selfish, or snobbish, but it is not. This does not mean that we cannot accept others for who or what they are, only that it is okay to feel good about our higher held standards.

Business executives, laborers, students, athletes, men, women, any classification of race, creed or religion you can think of, all hold examples of people with higher standards. You can usually spot them by how they carry themselves, their attitude, caring nature, or just the way they listen and hear what you have to say.

When you set your bar or goal, and you meet your desired target, do you stop there or continue to raise it a notch each time? Keep your priorities in check, continue to love yourself and others, and take a step above. Just the effort is what sets you apart. Reaching that goal then becomes another step up. Continue to climb.

In fitness, Bob



Are you obligated to accept food when someone offers it to you? How do you handle the situation if someone says, “Just have one”.

Adhering to a specific nutrition plan or diet, can be difficult in itself. Holiday parties, family gatherings and even pressure from coworkers can make sticking to a program almost impossible.

The pressure can feel like sabotage, even when the intent is innocent. “You can have a little”, “One won’t hurt you”, “It’ll be our little secret”, these sayings and others can be difficult to deal with.

Remember that everyone struggles with change to some degree. In dealing with clients that are going through multiple changes, they may have friends that are afraid to see them change. They may think that they could lose that friend due to different likes or priorities. I make it part of my responsibility to have a game plan in place in case these instances arise.

Be prepared to answer questions such as, “Why are you on a diet” or, “How much damage can one do”?                    It is acceptable to politely decline and say that “I won’t stop at just one” or, “I’m trying to better myself”.

Remember that you are in charge of the route you choose to take. Take control of yourself, your future, and your health.

In fitness, Bob